Jerry Rice is born in October 13, 1962 in Crawford, Mississippi
Rice is born on October 13th, 1962 in Crawford MississippiJerry Rice is born in October 13, 1962 in Crawford, Mississippi -
Jerry Rice goes to Mississippi Valley State University in 1981
Rice goes to Mississippi Valley State Universtity in 1981Jerry Rice goes to Mississippi Valley State University in 1981 -
Jerry Rice joins the 49er's in 1985
Rice goes to Mississippi Valley State University in 1981Jerry joins the 49er's in 1985 -
Jerry Rice is the MVP of the 23rd superbowl on January 22nd, 1989
Rice is the MVP of the 23rd superbowlRice is the MVP of the 23rd superbowl -
Jerry Rice wins his 3rd superbowl ring on January 29th, 1995
Rice gets his 3rd superbowl ring in January 29th, 1995Rice wins his 3rd superbowl in 1995 -
Rice was selected to the Pro Bowl 13 times and named All-Pro 12 times in his 20 NFL seasons.
Rice was selected to the Pro Bowl 13 times and named All-Pro 12 timesJerry is selected to the Pro Bowl 13 times and named All-Pro 12 times -
Jerry Rice gets his 197th touchdown in 2004
Jerry gets his 197th touchdown in 2004Rice gets his final touchdown in 2004 -
Jerry plays 20 seasons in the NFL and retires in 2004
Rice plays 20 NFL seasons and retires in 2004Jerry plays his 20th NFL season in 2004 -
Rice is inducted into the Pro Fotball Hall of Fame in 2010
Rice gets inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2010Rice goes to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2010 -
As of 2014 Rice holds over 100 NFL records
Rice holds over 100 NFL records as of 2014Rice holds over 100 NFL records as of 2014