

By jnklum
  • First Steam Engine Developed

    First Steam Engine Developed
    Thomas Newcomen from England developed the first steam engine with 5.5 horsepower.
  • Elecricity Was Discovered

    Elecricity Was Discovered
    Benjamin Frankin discovered electricity using a kite and a key during a thunderstorm.
  • First Natural Gas Well Built

    First Natural Gas Well Built
    William Hart from the USA, built the first natural gas well in New York. It was 27 feet deep and was used as a source of light.
  • First Solar Power System Developed

    First Solar Power System Developed
    Augustine Mouchot, France, developed the first solar power system when he was worried about fossil fuels running out.
  • Petroleum as Major Energy Source

    Petroleum as Major Energy Source
    John D. Rockefeller formed standard oil and develops petroleums for the US to use.
  • First Electric Plant Built

    First Electric Plant Built
    Thomas Edison built the first commercial plant utility in New York.
  • First Commercial Scale Hydroelectric Plant

    First Commercial Scale Hydroelectric Plant
    In Appleton, Wisconsin, the first commercial scale hydroelectric plant was built. It had three buildings and was a “marvel to see”.
  • First Windmill

    First Windmill
    Charles F. Bush created the first windmill to generate electricity. It moved 500 revelations per minute and its normal capacity was 12,000 watts.
  • World's First Geothermal Power Plant

    World's First Geothermal Power Plant
    Geyser’s were found in the 1800’s, but it wasn’t until John D. Grant drilled a geothermic drill that it started.
  • First Commercial Wind Turbines

    First Commercial Wind Turbines
    The first wind turbines were created by Marcellus and Joe Jacobs. They sold thousands in their lifetime.