
Jenna Usry- devolution/supranationalism timeline

  • Devolution- US/ Great Britain

    Devolution- US/ Great Britain
    The United States gained independence from Great Britain, because it was costing too much for Great Britain to maintain control over us that they gave in and let us have independence. They decided to just let the U.S. have our own independence so they could keep making money by trading with us.. (economic split)
  • Supranationalism- Triple Entante

    Supranationalism- Triple Entante
    Countries- Great Britain, France, Russia,
    Type- Political/Military
    Purpose- Alliance agreeing not to attack eachother, unify to keep Germany from getting too much power; threat to Triple Alliance.
  • Supranationalism- United Nations

    Supranationalism- United Nations
    (After WWII)
    Countries- US Soviet Union, US and 151 other countries
    Type- Political/Military
    Purpose- keep peace between ocuntries and maintain stability. Prevent future worldwide war.
  • Supranationslism- PLO

    Supranationslism- PLO
    PLO- (Palestinian Liberation Organization)
    Fight over West Bank, Golan Heights, and Gaza strip
    Purpose- Promote Palestinian Liberation. The Arabs wanted independence because there are so many different religions but they wanted the land to themselves. (cultural)
  • Supranationalism- ICO

    Supranationalism- ICO
    ICO- (Islamic Conference Organization)
    Type- Cultural/ (political)
    countries- Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait- 41 different countries
    purpose- promoting Islamic solidarity. Countries declaring they're Muslim, eliminating racial segregation and discrimination
  • Supranationalism- European Union (EU)

    Supranationalism- European Union (EU)
    Between Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Ireland, Austria, Sweden, Finland.
    Type- Economic
    Purpose- To eliminate Tariffs and create a common currency in 27 European countries. All the different variations of currencies and money values was making the cost of trading between countries go up because they would tax imports and exports. This lifted the taxes so countries would be more succesful in trade and help eachother out.
  • Devolution-Hawaii & US

    Devolution-Hawaii & US
    Hawaii gains autonomy from the United States. They were not granted full independence because of the resources they have, but they wanted their rights returned and to establish an independent state (political split)
  • Devolution- Quebec/ Canada split

    Devolution- Quebec/ Canada split
    Quebec has many resources and people to supply itself, so they push for independence from Canada, But Canada needs Quebec for their resouces so they grant them autonomy. (economic split)
  • Devolution- UK/ Scotland

    Devolution- UK/ Scotland
    Scotland gained autonomy from the UK. They were pushing for independence but they didn't get it because of their oil resources and the North Sea. (economic split)
  • Devolution- Nigeria split

    Devolution- Nigeria split
    Nigeria was divided mostly cultural between muslims and christains. Muslims were the majority group, christains the minority. The north and south sides of Nigeria gained autonomy from eachother but were not granted independence.