Jenna's Timeline

  • Born

    My parents were so happy that I was a girl! They had my brother first and then I came along. I was born only 14 months after my brother. This was a big life event for them and it filled a norm for them because alot of people talk about having a boy and a girl and that makes the perfect family.
  • Sister Avery Was born

    Sister Avery Was born
    This is my first sister. When my sister was born I had a new role in our family which was the oldest girl. There was a role set that I needed to learn. Being the oldest means that I am a role model for the younger siblings and they look up to me for many things. Sometimes there is role strain because I don't have all the answers and I am not perfect.
  • Started School

    Started School
    Attending school is a social norm that I followed. I
    met new people and was impacted by others. The people who surrounded me, my cohort, went all the way through elementary school with me and traveled through many milestones. There were many norms that were followed at school. Sit down and be quiet, treat others nicely and so on. School is a social institution and it was always something I enjoyed.
  • Sister Brooklyn Was Born

    Sister Brooklyn Was Born
    This is my second sister and she was the last baby in our family. Brooklyn was another big life event. She added responsibility to my life because now I was the oldest of two sisters. We are outside the norm I feel by having a larger family. This is impactful because sometimes we disagree and we have become stronger because we have to stick up for ourselves. This is much different than families who have one or two kids.
  • First Communion

    First Communion
    This is a rite of passage for me as a Catholic. Making my First Communion was expected of me as a Catholic and because I was baptized in the Church.
  • Moved Houses

    Moved Houses
    We moved from my childhood home to a new house in Holland Landing. This was a big life event and changed the trajectory of my life. I made new friends around my neighbourhood and had to get used to being in a new place and I left my old life behind. I wonder what it would have been like to stay at the old house and carry on my life there.
  • Graduated Elementary School

    Graduated Elementary School
    I graduated from elementary school during covid. It was a sad time because my cohort of friends did not get to dress up or have a celebration or even a ceremony. I had to choose between two schools which definately changed the trajectory of my life. I could have chosen a bunch of schools actually. In any of the schools I would have chosen, I would have made different friends, had different teachers which would have made me a different person.
  • Started High School

    Started High School
    Starting high school was a big transition. I was online and I really missed my friends. I had to be independent which I struggled with. I went to my school with some of my freinds and they were very supportive. When we went back to school, everyone was wearing a mask which is not what we were used to. This created social pressure when the masks came off. Everyone was worried about what others would think of them.
  • First Job

    First Job
    Starting a job was a huge transition for me. There was a role set that was brand new for me and I was good at my job but I was expected to function in the real world, solve problems, deal with adults who were upset and angry, handle money and live up to the expectations of my boss. This caused a role strain. I got used to it but it was alot at the beginning. This is a norm in our society. The transition from being supported to working and making your own money.
  • Got my Driver's Lisence

    Got my Driver's Lisence
    This is another norm that occurs within society and it is a rite of passage. I love the freedom that driving gives me. It is becoming more independent from my family and allows me to visit friends and go on trips if I want.
  • Graduating High School

    Graduating High School
    I am looking forward to the transition between high school and College or University. I am sure that it will mean that I will have a new role set and the trajectory of my life will change again but it is an exciting time.