The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
A Serbian nationalist gunned down Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. This was the spark that started World War 1, because after this event nations started taking sides. -
World War 1 begins
On July 28th, 1914, World War 1 began in Europe. -
Lusitania sunk by German submarine
A U.S. ship containing cargo for the British war effort was blown up by a German submarine, many died. -
Zimmerman Telegram interception
Germany sends a telegram to Mexico promising them the United States if Germany won and Mexico allied with them.
This telegram was intercepted by the british and made the U.S. gain interest in joining the war. -
U.S enters WW1
The United states decides to enter the war. After learning of the intercepted telegram, President Wilson took the vote to office, where it was approved. War has begun!! -
John C. Laing
John was a sergeant in the U.S. army. He served in france during World war 1. He was later discharged after an injury. -
Issue of 1 bronze star
John C. Laing Was issued 1 bronze star after a battle in france. -
Issue of 2 bronze stars
John C. Laing later recieved another star for fighting in a efensive battle, this made him a sergeant. -
Issue of the purple heart to John C. Laing
The purple heart is recieved by those injured during battle. John recieved an injury on July 15, 1918. -
John C. Laing's Honorable discharge from the U.S. army
John C. Laing recieved an honorable discharge from the army after fighting and recieving awards for his work in france. -
End of the War
On November 11th, 1918, An armistice was signed in a railroad car parked in a french forest at 5 AM. The fighting, however, did not stop until 11 AM. -
Life in the trenches
Life in the trenches was terrible. Many soldiers died the first day due to enemy snipers. Trenches were infested with rats,frogs,lice,slugs, and beetles. There was always a terrible smell from carcases, and latrines. -
Weapons of War
Some weapons used in Word War 1 were...
-Bayonets- -Pistols-
-Flamethrowers- -Poison Gas-
-Grenades- -Rifles-
-Tanks- -Trench Mortars-
-Machine Guns- -
World War 1 American Aircraft
Some American planes used were...
-Aeomarine 39 -Curtiss NC
-Aromarine 40 -Martin MB-1
-Curtiss H-16 -Standard J-1
-Curtiss JN-4 - Vought VE-7 Bluebird -
12 Technological advancements of World War 1
1.Tanks 6.Air Traffic Control
2.Flamethrowers 7.Depth Charges
3.Poison Gas 8.Hydraphones
4.Tracer bullets 9.Aircraft Carriers
5.Interrupter Gear 10.Pilotless Drones
11.Mobile X-Ray Machines 12. Sanitary napkins -
list of infantry weapons of World War 1
Handguns -Colt:M1873,M1889,M1892,M1903,Pocket hammerless M1905,M1909,M1911,M1912,-savage M1907,-S&WM1899 Rifles-Browning M1918,-Springfield M1903 The Colt M1911 handgun is a rare handgun desired by collectors of all kinds today, they range greatly in caliber and are recreated for modern use.