Jeff's History of the Internet Timeline

  • Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) is Created

    Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) is Created
    American military found a way that computers can talk to each other in case of nuclear attack by the Soviets.
  • Computers at Stanford and UCLA Connect for the First Time

    Computers at Stanford and UCLA Connect for the First Time
    Stanford and UCLA become the first hosts on what one day would become the internet.
  • An ARPAnet Network was Established

    An ARPAnet Network was Established
    A network between Harvard, MIT, and BBN was created. BBN was the company that created the computers used to do so.
  • E-mail was First Developed

    E-mail was First Developed
    Ray Tomlinson developed the first e-mail and also made the decision to separate the computer name and username with an ampersan, otherwise known as that weird thing with the circle around the a.
  • The First Computer Virus Discovered

    The First Computer Virus Discovered
    The first Computer virus The first compuer virus was called "Creeper" and was created by a BBN programmer named Robert Tomas from Cambridge, Massachusetts and uploaded to ARPAnet in 1971.
  • First Operating System Created

    First Operating System Created
    Linus Thorvald created LINUX by tweaking some UNIX code and accidentally created both the earliest and the worst operating system for computers.
  • The Beginning of TCP/IP

    The Beginning of TCP/IP
    A proposal was published to link ARPAnet-like networks together in an "inter-network" which would have no central control and would work around a transmission control protocol, eventually shortened to TCP.
  • Microsoft Founded

    Microsoft Founded
    Microsoft Homepage Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975 in Albequerque, New Mexico. This company led to personal computers and is one of the main reasons people are so connected to the internet today.
  • Apple Founded

    Apple Founded
    Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne, and Steve Wozniak in Cupertino, California and is one of the main reasons why we're so connected to the internet.
  • The First Personal Computer Modem is Invented

    The First Personal Computer Modem is Invented
    The modem was invented by Dennis Hayes and Dale Heatherington and was introduced and initially sold to computer hobbyists.
  • Spam is Born

    Spam is Born
    The first unsolicited commercial e-mail message was sent out to 600 California ARPAnet users by Gary Thuerk.
  • Earliest Form of Multiplayer Games Debuted

    Earliest Form of Multiplayer Games Debuted
    A game called MUD, or MultiUser Dungeon was created and became the pre-cursor to World of Warcraft and Second Life.
  • The First Emoticon

    The First Emoticon
    Scott Fahlman proposed using :-) after a joke, rather than the original -)
  • The Domain System Created

    The Domain System Created
    DNS (Domain Name Servers) allowed people to type in an easy-to-remember domain name rather than an IP address automatically.
  • World Wide Web Protocols Finished

    World Wide Web Protocols Finished
    Tim Berners-Lee wrote the code for the world wide web based on a proposal from 1989 along with the standards of HTML, HTTP, and URLs.
  • First Web Page Created

    First Web Page Created
    The first web page was created to explain what the world wide web was and brought along some major innovations to the world of the internet.
  • First DEF CON Held

    First DEF CON Held
    The first DEF CON was held in the Sands Hotel & Casino and became one of the largest annual gatherings of hackers and conspiracies involving aliens and government agencies of course.
  • NetScape Created

    NetScape Created
    Netscape is officially the first internet browser ever created, and without that idea and program, the way may not have been paved for things like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
  • AT&T PocketNet Phone Created

    AT&T PocketNet Phone Created
    The AT&T PocketNet was the first cell phone to have internet capabilities. It never hit the general market, but it still used HDML, which later became WAP, which is still used in phones today.
  • Google Founded

    Google Founded
    Founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in Menlo Park, California, this search engine turned into one of the largest tech companies in existance and also one of the most influential.
  • Anonymous Created (Founded? Assimilated?)

    Anonymous Created (Founded? Assimilated?)
    Anonymous is a group of hackers originating from the website 4chan that aim to hack websites and databases of organizatons who oppose their morals. Some call them Hacktivists, but others call them cyber-lynch mobs. They don't have a central command, but they are a community of international computer programmers that DDoS anything they don't believe is right, mostly to do with the internet or human rights.