Jeff Bezos is born in Albuquerque, New Mexico -
Jeff graduates from Princeton University with a degree in computer science. -
Introduction to Business
Jeff joined an investment bank in New York City, where he managed investment descisions. -
Jeff Finds Love
Jeff marries Makenzie Tuttle -
Beginning of a Business
After quitting his job at the bank, he began developing the software for his own online bookstore. -
Jeff's business, Amazon, sold its first book via the internet. -
Covering New Ground
Amazon.com began selling CDs and videos, such as movies and documentaries. -
Amazon began to sell various genres of products such as clothing and several devices -
Branded Products
The Kindle device is released, the first product attributed to Amazon itself. -
Creating a new normal
More digital books are sold on Amazon's Kindle than actual physical printed books. -
Immeasurable Success
Jeff is pronounced the richest man in the world. -
Splitting up
Jeff and Mackenzie are divorced -
During the Pandemic
Amazon hires approximately 150,000 new employees during the coronavirus pandemic -
Today's Net Worth
Jeff Bezos's net worth is currently 184.6 billion USD