Jeff Bezos Timeline

By ms56
  • Jeff Bezos is born

    Jeff Bezos is born
    Jeff Bezos is born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States.
  • Period: to

    The life of Jeff Bezos

  • Bezos "works" at his grandparents ranch

    Bezos "works" at his grandparents ranch
    Bezos' grandparents let him pretend to work on their ranch when he was little. He spent all his summers on the ranch from ages four to sixteen.
  • Bezos develops the Dream Institute

    Bezos develops the Dream Institute
    While in his high school days, Bezos develops the Dream Institution, a education center that promoted creative thinking in young students.
  • Bezos graduates from Princeton University

    Bezos graduates from Princeton University
    Bezos graduates summa cum laude from Princeton University with degrees in computer science and electrical engineering.
  • Bezos gets a job

    Bezos gets a job
    Bezos works as the firm's youngest senior vice president in the New York investment bank D.E Shaw & Co.
  • Bezos moves to Seattle

    Bezos moves to Seattle
    Bezos quits his job at D.E Shaw & Co. and moves to Seattle, Washington and opened a virtual bookstore.
  • Amazon is created and sells it's first product

    Amazon is created and sells it's first product
    Bezos names his site after the South American river and sells it's first book ever.
  • Amazon begins selling CD's

    Amazon begins selling CD's
    Amazon begins to selling CD's and videos.
  • Bezos invests in virtual stores

    Bezos invests in virtual stores
    Bezos adds auctions to Amazon and begins to invest in other virtual stores.
  • Amazon diversifies it's products

    Amazon diversifies it's products
    Amazon now offers a vast array of products like apparel, hardware, and consumer electronics.
  • Amazon introduces Amazon Web Services

    Amazon introduces Amazon Web Services
    Amazon Web-Services, a cloud computing service that would eventually become the largest such service in the world, was added to Amazon.
  • Kindle was created

    Kindle was created
    Late 2007, a new device called that read digital books with wireless internet connectivity called Kindle would be introduced.
  • Amazon began moved to the television

    Amazon began moved to the television
    Amazon began creating television shows and movies with its Amazon Studios Division.
  • Amazon is now worth $233 billion

    Amazon is now worth $233 billion
    From being worth $19.1 billion in 2008, Amazon is now worth $233 billion.
  • Bezos divorces his wife

    Bezos divorces his wife
    Bezos' marriage to Mackenzie Tuttle would end with them divorcing.