Apr 30, 1337
Hundred Year War
In 1337 to 1453 the Hundred Year War began between France and New England who were struggling and fighting over the French throne. -
Period: Apr 30, 1337 to Sep 23, 1453
Jeanne d'Arc
Jan 6, 1412
Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc was born to Isabella and Jacques in the town of Donremy, France. -
Sep 23, 1422
Joan of Arc claims to hear voices of God. She claimes God will direct her in the correct path in life. -
Feb 26, 1426
King of Heaven
Joan claims to see visions of God and three angels, Saint Michael, Saint Catherine, and Saint Margaret telling her to fight for the kings of heaven and bring the dauphin to his coronation. -
Jan 1, 1429
Joan of Arc goes to see the Dauphin to Chinon to ask him for an army to defend Reims in their last chance of victory. -
Sep 23, 1429
Joan the Maid of Orleans
Joans leads her men into victory in Orleans and gains the name of Joan the Maid of Orleans. -
Dec 12, 1430
Joan of arc is captured by German barbarians called the burgundians. A ransom was asked for her to France but the King refused and began her trial. -
Jan 9, 1431
May 30, 1431
Burned at the stake
BurnedJoan of Arc is burned at the stake. -
Sep 23, 1453
Hundred Year War
The French defeat the English in Castillion, leading to the end of the Hundred Year War.