Jays Civil Rights TimeLine

  • CORE Founded

    CORE Founded
    civil rights - The rights of citizens to political and social equality
    peaceful protest - everything CORE did they wanted it to be peaceful
    vocal - when the CORE talked people listened
  • Dodgers hire Jackie Robinson

    Dodgers hire Jackie Robinson
    color line is a barrier that separates whites from non-whites
    Jackie Robinson and the dodgers break the color line
    Robinson took the field in 1947
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    segergation - Separation of people by there race or beliefs
    President Truman signs this Order
    Executive Order 9981 ends armed forces segergation
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    Thurgood Marshall was associate of the supreme court
    school segregation is ended because browns case
    Brown brought education together
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Rosa Parks - Rosa Parks really sparked the movement because she wouldn't move to the back for a white man
    Boycott - no one would ride the buses tell the government segregated them
    Ending it - the government finally ended segregation of buses
  • Integration of Central High School

    Integration of Central High School
    Little Rock nine - african americans going to a white school
    broke the color barrier - first segregated school
    Racist Whites - cursed at a yelled at during schoo
  • Counter Sit Ins

    Counter Sit Ins
    Jim Crow laws and sit ins - enforcing racial segregation
    showed how african americans were treated
    influenced other peaceful protests
  • Birmingham Campaign

    Birmingham Campaign
    SCLC - african americans civil rights organization
    big march - ending racism
    MLK - arrested during this time
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    NAACP - an organization that was established to help the cicvil rights movement
    Americans - 200,00 gathered in D.C. to protest
    MLK - lead/spoke at the march
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Civil disobedience and SNCC - refusal to comply with certain laws
    Segregation - Ended it with buses and railroads
    Buses - set on fire
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    pissey vs ferguson - supreme court case that favored segregation
    US outlawed segregation
    Blacks got equal rights
  • Advocates for Black Nationalism

    Advocates for Black Nationalism
    Nation of Islam - African American political and religious movement,
    Malcom X - powerful spokesperson
    Jail - malcom x spent time in jail
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    disenfranchise - outlawed the discriminatory voting practices
    voting - black people had a word now
    civil rights - gave a big push towards the civil rights movement
  • Watts Riot

    Watts Riot
  • Black Panther Party Founded

    Black Panther Party Founded
    Black Power - political slogan that african american use
    reason - formed to stop police brutality in black neighborhoods
    Newton - founded the group
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    Civil Rights Act of 1968
    Discrimination - prejudicial treatment of different categories of people bases on there race or sex
    Act - refusal to sell or rent a house or apartment to any person because of his race color religion
    Who it helped - Really everyone because it gave everyone equal rights and gave business for profit
  • Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education

    Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education
    desegregation - the ending of a policy of racial segregation
    education - helped african americans become more educated
    Carolina - good place to set thus example at
  • Regents of the Univeristy of California v. Bakke

    Regents of the Univeristy of California v. Bakke
    Affirmative Action - something that favors discriminated races
    Racial Quotes - schools that used this were ruled unconstitutional
    Bakke - decline admission to a mainly black school