My Birth
I was born to two of the greatest people that could have ever become a part of my life. They taught me to be respectful to everyone, despite the other person's actions. They kept me in my place, and took me on so many genuine adventures. -
My Sister's Birth
My parents say that I strongly disliked the day my sister was born. She was born at home, and my mom said that I came out and started balling when I saw her. I guess I wanted to be an only child! -
Got our first cat!
I had just started Kindergarten not long before, and our neighbor's cat decided he didn't want to live with them anymore. He came over and climbed up our tree, and he wouldn't come down. My dad said we couldn't keep him, but my mom decided we were! Sadly, he passed away in 2009. -
I met my best friend Tony!
Tony had moved to our town of Polo, Illinois. We were in the same class, and we just became friends right away. One adorable thing about this, we were in second grade, and he "asked me to prom" because he thought that it was a dance for little kids! We don't talk as much as we used to, but he is still my best friend. -
Moved to Prescott Valley, Arizona!
My mom was hving issues with the weather in Illinois, and it was messing with her health. My grandparents offered to let us move in with them, and we did! We're in the same house now as we were when we moved to Arizona! -
Got Tigger and Pumpkin!
We lost our first cat, Angel, to liver failure not long after we moved to Arizona. We all wanted to get another cat, so we went to the Humane Society. There were two orange tabby kittens, and although we were only going to get one, we ended up getting both. My mom couldn't let us separate the siblings! Pumpkin ended up running away not long after we got her. -
We Moved Out!
We had been living with our grandparents since we had first came to Arizona, and my parents wanted to be in a home that could be theirs. We stayed there for a bit over two years, but ended up moving to my grandparents' house after my grandmother passed away in January of 2015 -
We got Whisper!
My parents were really wanting a dog. They had been looking all over, and they finally found someone that had dogs for sale, and they were Purebred Labradors! We ended up getting her, and on the way home, she slept in the most uncomfortable looking position you could ever see! -
First Car!
My dad had needed another car because there were three drivers in the home, and we only had one car. He ended up purchasing this Honda Civic, and then he later bought himself a Chevy Tahoe, and I "inherited" the Civic. It was so much fun learning to drive the car, as it is a standard vehicle. -
We got Pushka and Oliver!
We were only planning on having one kitten, actually. My sister's boyfriend's cat was going to have kittens, and my sister had convinced my mom to get one. He's a little fluffball named Oliver. My sister then proceeded to convince our mom to let her get Pushka, who is Oliver's shorthaired brother. We weren't going to keep him, but he's just too darn sweet to get rid of!