
Jayan's WW1 timeline

  • Assasination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Franz Ferdinand
    Austria-Hungary took over Bosnia as theirs leaving Serbia mad because they wanted it. As a result Franz was murdered in Bosnia by Gavrillio Princip a Serbian terrorist while on a trip to inspect Bosnia's army held outside of Sarajevo their capitol city. This led to Austria-Hungary wanting to fight Serbia for killing their archduke.
  • First battle of the Marne

    First battle of the Marne
    First battle in world war 1, setting the stage for what is to come. This was a battle including Britain and France against Germany who invaded neutral Belgium and part of France. All of the fighting they did led them to start fighting in the trenches.
  • First Battle of Ypres

    First Battle of Ypres
    This battle was France and Britain against Germany trying to outflank one another. The Britain armies were well trained and ready for battle, however the German troops were very young mainly 17-19 years old. This tells us that the Germans were very desperate at winning so they needed any one who could help fight.
  • Second Battle of Ypres

    Second Battle of Ypres
    This was the only battle consisting of major German attacks in the Western Front. The Germans were finding out the deadliness of chlorine gas. As the battle started in April it ended in May due to so many casualties. Once they realized they weren't winning they decided to trash the town instead.
  • First use of poison gas

    First use of poison gas
    Germans used the first attempt of poison gas as a deadly weapon during the second battle of Ypres. They were contained in little bombs that they threw at the French. As they broke the gas stayed close to the ground and spread throughout the air killing the opponents.
  • First tank used

    First tank used
    The name of this tank was Little Willie and was used in the battle of Flers the by the British. Big Willie was the second attempt at building a tank a year later at the first battle of the Somme. This weapon was a huge step forward for bigger and more deadly equipment to be used.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    This battle was the longest single battle that happened in World War 1. It was fought between France and Germany. France wasn't doing so well so the British came to help by starting another battle to try and relieve some of the pressure against the French.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    This battle was one of the largest battles in world war one lasting four months. This battle was the allies, France and Britain against Germany on the French's ground. There was no clear victor of this fight as all countries lost many soldiers.
  • Italy declares war on Germany

    Italy declares war on Germany
    Italy hoped by joining with the Triple Entente to attack Central powers they would gain possession of some land. They hoped to have a quick start on the attack but ended up to be a fight in the trenches like at the Western Front in France. It never went as planned so they had to keep fighting.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    It was used by the Germans to contact Mexico about having an alliance to try and fight the US. They used this on a secure channel directly to the person receiving it. This was a much faster way of communicating from long distances.
  • Conscription Crisis of 1917

    Conscription Crisis of 1917
    By this time in war Britain had many casualties and needed more troops. They asked Canada to supply troops as they were allies. After much voting among Canada they finally decided that they would supply troops to help Britain.
  • Germany declares unretricted submarine warfare

    Germany declares unretricted submarine warfare
    This action was a huge part of World War one as it was a big reason why the US joined in. Germany was on a low and this was their way of trying to make a come back. The US never took this lightly so they joined in on war aswell.
  • USA enters war

    USA enters war
    They finally entered war helping Britain, France, and Russia. Many US citizens wanted to remain a neutral country, however that wasn't the case. They entered war fighting against Germany after they sunk many American ships.
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge

    Battle of Vimy Ridge
    This was the first battle Canada entered in world war 1. As an ally of Britain, Canada was tasked to take over Vimy Ridge. Canada won this battle which was a huge deal for us Canadians saying that we helped in the war, however it came with a huge loss of about 10,000 Canadian soldiers.
  • Third Battle of Ypres

    Third Battle of Ypres
    This battle was also known as the Battle of Passchendaele as it was in the village of Passchendaele. Unlike the first 2 battles started by Germans the allied forces started this one going through Flanders. The allies won but not by as much they wanted to. This battle had huge losses of people as it lasted just over 3 months.
  • Germany and Russia sign peace deal

    Germany and Russia sign peace deal
    This was called the Brest-Litovsk Treaty. Germany ordered Russia to accept the terms of the Central powers who were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. Russia surrendered and the peace deal was signed. This was a huge step leading the war to end.
  • German Spring Offensive

    German Spring Offensive
    This was Germany's attempt of ending world war one. Germany got 500,000 more troops to attack the western front against Britain. This attack was the biggest breakthrough on the western front for 3 years.
  • Fourth Battle of Ypres

    Fourth Battle of Ypres
    Also known as Battle od the Lys. This was Germany's last attempt at breaking the allied lines in Ypres. Germany wanted control over Ypres some land around it. Germany lost about 120,000 men while the allies were gaining with troops from US coming to help them.
  • Second battle of Marne

    Second battle of Marne
    This was Germany's last offensive fight in world war one against France, and helping France was the US. Germany failed to win this battle losing many troops and ground. Germany then believed that the war would be over.
  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day
    This day is also known as Remembrance Day. This day is very important as it is the day World War 1 ended. It was put into place for honoring the soldiers that fought for their countries.