Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Heliocentric Model (Copernicus
Copernicus publishes his theory on the Heliocentric Model wich states that the sun was the center of the Universe. -
Nov 8, 1543
Nicolas Copernicus
He said that the heliocentric is that the sun is in the center of the universe. -
1591: Galileo Galilei Demonstrates the Properties of Gravity
A one- pound weight and a one hundred-pound weight, dropped at the same moment, hit the ground at the same moment. So the two objects can hit the ground at the same time if you drop them. -
Galileo Galilei
They force Galileo to sign a recantation and condemns him to house arrest for the remaining nine years of his life. They forced him to take back what he said so they put him in trial. -
Giovanni Alfonso
Borelli's work is the greatest early triumph of the application of mechanical laws to the human organism. He is saying he is a helper of making mechanical parts. -
Isaac Newton
When something is in motin it stays in motion