
japenese interment camps-Drew wilkinson Brayden Wilde

  • Period: to


  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    fbi round up leadership of japenese american
  • Excutive order

    president Rosevelt signed excutive order 9066-notrial.this order was justifed by saying they were spies but there only ten spies found during the war and they were caucasian.
  • public proclation

    public proclation nos 1 gives military access to western Californa, oregan whasgton Arizona
  • march 11 1942

  • first

    First exclasion order issued. 45 familes got 1 week to pack
  • surrender

    Germany surrenders war ends in europe
  • atomic bomb

    atomic bomb droped on hioshima 3 days later nagasati
  • camp Tule lake closed

    camp Tule lake closed
    Tule Lake,CA closed today. At this camp peak population had 18,789 japennese americans in this camp
  • goodman?

    Jugde Louis E. goodman decided that all japenese american born in america should be realesed 302 people were realeased
  • evacuation claims act

    president truman signs the japanese american evacuation claims act
  • july 10 1970

  • july 16 1970

  • november 28 1979

  • july 14 1981

  • august 10 1988