The Day the Ships Sank
Attack on Pearl Harbor The Japanese attacked Americans at Pearl Harbor in response to and embargo the Americans put on oil exports. Being a Japanese non-citizen in the U.S i feared what would happen to me after the attack. Having a job and moving my family here i had a huge decision to make, stay and wait to see what comes of this, or leave what I have worked hard for to keep my family from danger. -
Presidential Proclamation
Presidential Proclamation No. 2525 After the attack the prersident made a proclamation declaring it an invasion from the Japanese empire, After the proclamation the "aliens" were not allowed to have weapons, cameras, or even papers or books for he fear of them having invisable writing on them. I a Japanese American am being treated differentally because of what other Japanese people have done to this country. -
Period: to
Japanese Internment camps
Signing of Public law 503
Chronology of Japanese American Internment Public law 503 made it a federal offense to violate any order issued by a designated military commander. I signed the public law 503 so I could continue to keep peace in the United States.