Japanese Imigration

  • Naturalization Act

    Only White, and Black Americans are allowed to be citizens in the United States. Immigrants are not allowed to be citizens and they don't have as many rights.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    If Chinese are not allowed to live in the United States it gives the Japanese more room to farm and own businesses. Chinese Railroad Workers. Digital Image. Significant Dates in Asian American/Chinese American History. Web. 02/04/13. http://www.asianweek.com/2012/01/04/significant-dates-in-asian-americanchinese-american-history/
  • Alien Contract Labor Law

    Alien Contract Labor Law is prohibites an owner of a company is not allowed to bring people from other countries to work for their businesses. The only exceptions are people from another country who were brought for domestic service and workmen.
  • Gentleman's Agreement

    Gentleman's Agreement
    The Gentleman's Agreement allowed only picture brides to immigrate to the United States, but that made larger Japanese Populations. Prof. Yamamoto Takeo. Picture Brides, San Francisco, circa 1920. Digital image.Issei Marriage Customs. . 2006.web. April2 2013. http://jahmp.org/history.php?t=Issei
  • Expatriation Act

    The Expatriation Act declares that American woman that marries a immigrate loses her citizenship.
  • No Alien Citizenship

    This law prohibites Japanese and Chinese from becoming an American Citizen.
  • Executive Order 9066

    Executive Order 9066
    This order makes all the Japanese American's from the Pacific Coast to move to internment camps. Parker, Tom -- Amache, Colorado. 12/9/42. .Digital Image. Japanese Internment Camps War Relocation Authority Photos. . . web. April 2, 2013. http://publicintelligence.net/japanese-internment-camps-war-relocation-authority-photos/
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act Repealed

    The Chinese are allowed to Immigrate to the United States again.
  • The Redress Act

    This act gives $20,000 to survivors from World War 2 and Japanese internment and Japanese Americans.