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  • 400

    Writting system devlopment

    Writting system devlopment
    The japanese got there language from china but made some symbols of there own. There sylbols they can sound out like ours.
  • 500

    Buddisum arrives

    Buddisum arrives
    buddisum is sortof like a spreeded religon and the japanese turned it in to a new religon.
  • Nov 21, 600

    landscape painting

    landscape painting
    this was japanese inventions beacuse they just started painting what was in the mind.
  • Nov 21, 1000

    Lady Murasaki Shikibu

    Lady Murasaki Shikibu
    This lady was the first person to write a book once she knew the letters then she made the tales of Genji.
  • Nov 21, 1300

    Noh developments

    Noh developments
    the japanese devloped lituriture and painting and moree they were very sucessful in there accomplishments
  • Kabuki drama develops

    Kabuki drama develops
    they devloped maskes and some tome they usend paint but all the men had to do there parts even girl parts. in the acts you did not speek it was about a dead relitive
  • Haiku poetry begins

    Haiku poetry begins
    a haiku poetry is a short story bus has a big meaning and you can learn from it.