Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor
Japanees planes attacked an United States Army base located at Pearl Harbor Killing at least 2300 americans and all 12 ships destroyed and a vessel damaged, 160 planes destroyed http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1920&bih=828&tbm=isch&tbnid=-rBNMlsp1f04VM:&imgrefurl=http://aboutjapan.japansociety.org/content.cfm/uss_arizona&docid=5S01ybNHgdvjeM&imgurl=http://aboutjapan.japansociety.org/resources/category/1/6/3/2/images/BE048079.jpg&w=800&h=643&ei=d1DwUKvFGqL3igLQgoHABw&zoom=1& -
Period: to
Japan attacks pearl harbor
The start of internement and tortue
President Roosevelt issues an executive order 9066,which allowed military authorities to exclude anyone without trial or hearing. To get all Japanese and American Japanese were sent ot camps for up to four years including children. Most died from starvation and diesease -
Aliens need to move!
Office of alien property custodian was created, Many assets were frozen which created financial difficulty for affected aliens. which led to aliens not moving out of exlusior areas -
All of Japanese ancestry um needs to be within military areas from 8 am to 6 pm -
German Retreat
German sighned a surrender at allied headquarters in Reims, France, to start the following day in which ended european conflicts WWII -
US bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki
US bombs 2 japanese citys one in Hiroshima and one in Nagasaki.
This was the only nuclear bomb fired during war.
www.pbs.org/childofcam/history/timeline.html -
Native Americans?
Goodman orders a petion so that Native American cannot be considered as Enemy Aliens and cannot be sent to Japan. www.pbs.org/childofcam/history/timeline.html -
Japanese Compensation
Because of the Japanese being treated so poorly, The JACL promised to give indivual compensation tax free www.pbs.org/childofcam/history/timeline.html -
Airflight goes teriibly wrong
New zeland Air Flight 901 crashes to due pilot error kiling 237 passengers and 20 crew on board www.pbs.org/childofcam/history/timeline.html -
internment camp witness
The internment camps were investigated. 750 Japanese american witnesses talked about what it was like in the internment camps.
"We saw all these people behind the fence, looking out, hanging onto the wire, and looking out because they were anxious to know who was coming in. But I will never forget the shocking feeling that human beings were behind this fence like animals [crying]. And we were going to also lose our freedom" Mary T
http://amhistory.si.edu/ourstory/activities/internment/more.html -
We are sorry
Congress issued an executive order that was signed into law by Ronald Reagan which included indivual payment of $20,000 to surviors from internment camps and $1.25 billion to education fund