Pearl harbor bombing

Japanese American Internment

  • Pearl Harbor Bombed

    Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese. This is what made America enter World War II, as well as what made America afraid of the Japanese during the time. This is also what drove the government to intern the Japanese Americans.
  • America Declares War on Japan

    The day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, America declared war on the Japanese. This is also when America joined World War II.
  • Manzanar Opened

    Manzanar was a temporary detention center for troops, and was later officially used as an internment camp. It was located in California.
  • Evacuation Order Sent Out

    General DeWitt sends out an order telling all people of Japanese Ancestry to evacuate by March 30.
  • Poston Opened

    Poston Internment camp was the second camp to be opened. It was located in Arizona near the Colorado River.
  • Tule Lake Opened

    Tule Lake was the third internment camp opened. It was located in California.
  • Gila River Internment Camp Opened

    The fourth camp to be opened, Gila River, recieved the Japanese Americans that were being located to it. Gila River was located in Arizona.
  • Minidoka Opened

    Minidoka was the fifth camp to be opened. It was located in Idaho.
  • Heart Mountain Opened

    Heart Mountain was the sixth internment camp to be opened. It was located in Wyoming.
  • Amache Opened

    Amache was the seventh camp to be opened. It was located in Colorado.
  • Topaz Opened

    Topaz was the eighth camp to be opened. It was located in Utah.
  • Rohwer

    Rohwer was the ninth internment camp to be opened. It was located in Arkansas.
  • Jerome Opened

    Jerome was the tenth and last camp to be opened. It was located in Arkansas.
  • Last Camp Closed

    Tule Lake internment camp shuts down, marking the end of the internment camps.
  • Japanese Internment Ended

    The Japanese Internment program was officially terminated by the government.