japanese come to the west coast
before world war 1 japanese imigrants called the issei come to america for freedom. This leads up to the essiential question because, when they get there the americans do not like the japanese people. -
Americans dislike Japanese immigrants
When japanese imigrants come to america and americans begin to dislike them. This later leads to the essential question. -
laws barred japanese from working in factories
when japanese came to america america set laws that barred them from working in factories and big manufacturing sites. This later changed because the japanese found ways to get around the laws and became successful at what they did, the americans did not like this so they disliked them even more. -
the gentlemans agreement is made
the gentlemans agreement is made when japanese are coming to america. The agreement states that japanese americans are limited to jobs like farming fishing and owning a sop -
Japanese exclusion leage is founded
the japanese exclusion leage is founded. Japanese americans are excluded from reesturaunts, pools, and businesses. -
japanese form JACL
The JACL is a leage formed by japanese americans like a club of some sort. -
pearl harbor
pearl harbor was bombed by the japanese which leads up to interment camps in world war 2. -
america enters WW2 after japanese bomb pearl harbor.
America enters the war in 1941 and america puts japanese in internment camps. -
roundup in sanfrancisco
general Dewitt fears japanese attacks so roundups for japanese americans is called in sanfrancisco. This later leads to the essential question because they get sent to camps. -
japanese get sent to assembly centers
Japanese get sent to assembly centers and later are sent to interment camps.