Japanes Internment

  • Unwarranted attack on Pearl Harbor

    Unwarranted attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japanese military attacked the united state's naval base in pearl harbor, Hawaii. http://www.pearlharbor.org/
    I didn't hear the bomb falling, I didn't feel the shrapnel fly straight throuh my body, I didn't feel the concusion throw me off the deck. All I could hear was the Arizona herself, moaning and creaking in pain.
  • Japanese money siezed

    Japanese money siezed
  • President Roosevelt issues order for internment

    President Roosevelt issues order for internment
    Executive order 9066 was a presidential order for all japenese americans were to be forcefully moved to camps to ensure america's safety
    Today, my parents, my sister and I were ordered to leave our homes. I don't know where I'm going, how long I'll be there, or if I will ever leave
  • Public Law 503 put into effect

    Public Law 503 put into effect
  • All Japanese Combat units formed

    All Japanese Combat units formed