Holocaust Timeline

  • Feb 1936

    Feb 1936
    Gestapo is granted Extrajudicial Authority
  • june 1936

    june 1936
    Himmler becomes chief of German Police establishes Orpo, Sipo and the Kripo under controll of SS Party
  • Janurary 1937

    Janurary 1937
    Nazi Party begins siezure of Jewish property through Aryanization
  • December 1937

    December 1937
    Himmler issues decree that the Kripo does not need evidence to detain personel
  • April 1938

    April 1938
    Jews are required to register all property uner the 4 year plan
  • November 1938

    November 1938
    Krystallnacht or the night of broken glass wich is a antisemetic wave of violence carried out against the Jews
  • January 1939

    January 1939
    Hitler declares in his speech that World War 2 will result in the extermination of the Jewish Race in Europe
  • June 1941

    June 1941
    Einsatzgruppen begine extermiantion operations in Concentration Camps such as Auschwitz,Dachau, and many more
  • Janurary-May 1945

    Janurary-May 1945
    Concentration Camps were liberated by the Allied powers, which reulted in Hitlers and Himmlers Suicide