
Jane's Story - A Timeline Based on Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Theory

  • Jane is Born - Trust vs. Mistrust

    Jane is Born - Trust vs. Mistrust
    Jane is born on January 22nd, 1941 (0 yrs). Jane's parents fail to provide adequate love and aren't very nurturing, so she develops a sense of mistrust at a very young age. Erikson's first stage, trust versus mistrust outlines the importance of a child's caregivers nurturing the child and giving them safety, warmth, love, and food. If a child is provided with those things, they'll more likely be able to develop trust and feel safe with adults. Those who aren't given that develop trust issues.
  • Jane Enters High School - Identity vs. Confusion

    Jane Enters High School - Identity vs. Confusion
    Jane enters high school (14 yrs), but lacks the proper encouragement from her family, teachers, or friends. She's very confused about who she is and is very often insecure. In Erikson's fifth stage, identity versus confusion, the main topic is on developing a sense of personal identity. Those who are properly reinforced, encouraged, and have lots of social interactions will have a stronger sense of self and independence. Ego identity is also developed during this time.
  • Jane's First Relationship - Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Jane's First Relationship - Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Jane begins to explore her first relationship (25 yrs). As she enters this new experience, she struggles with intimacy and forming a loving bond with her partner. Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, explains that lack of intimacy and fear of commitment can lead to isolation. This makes it more difficult to develop healthy relationships. Also, a lack of a strong sense of personality can impact relationships, which is the case for Jane as well.