jan. 12 pictures under this link https://docs.google.com/a/mountainmiddleschool.org/document/d/1eSltvLyhMgzNDegGbDaaC_57oNyJnozz4twmw0kc5Q4/edit

By jj8816
  • British invade zulu land!!!

    British general chelmsford invades the country of Zululand
  • Football rules change

    Football rules commitee leagilizes forword pass
  • pretty chilly

    -47 degrese F in Washta, Iowa (state record)
  • 1st. woman senator!

    Hattie W. Caraway. Elected first woman senator (D-Ark)
  • Killer avalanche

    Austrias worst avalanche kills 200 ; 9 hrs later a second one kills 115
  • Haiti Earthquake

    Earthquake in Haiti kills over 230,000