jan 10

By elevon
  • 1998

    18th United Negro College Fund raises (rebroadcasted Jan 17th)
  • china

    China surpasses Germany, becoming the. world's largest exporter
  • pope

    Pope Benedict XVI urges Pakistan to repeal its blasphemy law whereby those who insult the Prophet Muhammed receive the death penalty
  • 2011

    Following general elections last year, Burma's new parliament is set to convene on January 31
  • u.k

    ustine Greening, the U.K. Secretary of State for Transport approves the HS2, a high-speed rail line that will link major cities in the U.K. to London
  • 2013

    A near-earth asteroid, called 99942 Apophis, passes close to Earth; astronomers in Europe estimate 99942 Apophis is larger than previously thought
  • u.s 2012

    U.S. 2012 Presidential contender Mitt Romney wins the New Hampshire Republican primary; Ron Paul places second, Jon Huntsman places third
  • 2014

    Indonesia's Mount Sinabung erupts again, with pyroclastic flows streaming down the volcanic slope; the activity has caused the evacuation of 22,000 people from the danger zone around Sinabung
  • 2015

    Commercial space company SpaceX successfully launches its Falcon 9 rocket, which has released the Dragon cargo ship into orbit to the International Space Station; the rocket returned to Earth after releasing the Dragon but had a rough landing
  • u.s president

    U.S. President announces the nomination of Jack Lew as Treasury Secretary, to replace Timothy Geithner, who is stepping down from his post