James Town

  • 1000

    Uknown part of North America

    Uknown part of North America
    The explorer Leif Eriksson landed on an unknown part of North America.
  • Period: 1000 to


  • 1570

    Set up

    Set up
    the Spanish set up a Indian mission on the York River in Virginia and they where killed by the Indians.
  • City of Raleigh

    City of Raleigh
    The English started and abandon the city of Raleigh in North Carolina.
  • Settlers in Roanoke

    Settlers in Roanoke
    An English ship carried 75 settlers and landed on Roanoke island,off the coast of North Carolina.
  • Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth
    Queen Elizabeth 1 died,James VI of Scotland became James 1 of England.
  • London

    they left London with 105 men and boys to establish a colony in Virginia.
  • Half the colonists

    Half the colonists
    half the colonists died some from disease and some from starvation,some people died because of the Native Americans.
  • Attacked

    The three ships sighted the land of Virginia on presents day Virginia beach and they where attacked by Indians.
  • Dutch

    the Dutch destroyed Virginia's tobacco ships.