
By enochj1
  • Roanoke Island

    Roanoke Island
  • Spanish Armada defeated

    Spanish Armada defeated
  • Jamestown

  • Colonists can own land

    Colonists can own land
  • Land Ownership

    Land Ownership
    In the beguning, investors in the Virginia Company in England were unhappy with the accomplishments of their Jamestown colonists. They therefore sought a new charter, which the king granted in May 1609. They took immediate steps to put the company on a sounder financial footing by selling shares valued at 12 1/2, 25, and 50 pounds (English monetary unit, originally equivalent to one pound of silver). Investors were promised a dividend from whatever gold, land, or other valuable commodities
  • House of Burgesses meets

    House of Burgesses meets
  • Virginia Company sends women

    Virginia Company sends women
  • Dutch brings Africans

    Dutch brings Africans
  • King James declares Royal Colony

    King James declares Royal Colony
  • African Americans

    African Americans
    African-American history is the portion of American history that specifically discusses the African-American or Black American ethnic groups in the United States. Most African Americans are the descendants of captive Africans held in the United States (or territories that would become the United States) from 1619 to 1865.