Jamestown To The CIvil War

  • Jamestown is Founded

    First settlers start a colony at Jamestown. They are attacked by Indians and suffer from disease and starvation
  • Period: to

    The FIrst Americans

  • John Rolfe Makes Tobacco profitable

    John Rolfe gives the colonies actual value and allows them to export tobacco and gives need for more settlers
  • First Black Slaves come to America

    The roots of centuries of slavery begin when these slaves travel across the Atlantic
  • Great Puritan MIgration to Massachusetts

    Puritans migrate to MA in order to seek a fresh new land. THe conflict of religion began to grow and they looked elsewhere
  • Bacons's Rebellion

    Thousands of settlers rose up in arms against Virginia Govenor William Berkeley for not protecting them against native americans.
  • Period: to

    Colonial Life

  • Creation of DOminion of New England

    a new religion swept across the colonies with its roots there but it rivaled the religions already in America and created conflict.
  • 250,000 Settlers in ENglish COlonies

    significant amount of people are in America. disease has not killed them all by now and they are beginning to flourish
  • First Colonial Newspaper

    Colonial newspaper was one of the most single important aspects of the revolution it was able to hide secret meetings let the people know what was going on, and many of the founding fathers owned newspapers.
  • The Great Awakening

    A spritiual renewal which saw thousands of colonists find faith in church membership.
  • Period: to

    Buildup to the Revolutionary War

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    War between British Colonists and the French who were allied by Indians.
  • Sugar and Stamp Act

    Sugar and Stamp Act
    British began direct taxation on the colonists sparking massive controversy and orginal thought process for breaking free from English tyranny.
  • Townsend Acts

    Townsend Acts
    Series of unfair laws that allowed the British to control every aspect of American Life
  • Boston Massacre

    Result of Troops stationed in Boston MA. Shots fired into open crowd and 5 were killed
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Civil disobedience by AMerican Colonists who dressed as Indians and spilled British tea off of a ship
  • First Continental Congress

    First meeting of Revolutionary leaders officially and began planning separation from Britain
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War

  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    First Battle of the Revolutionary war
  • Declaration Of Independence

    The official Declaration by the 13 colonies that they didn't want to be a part of the British Empire anymore and wanted to become their own soverign states
  • British Defeated in Yorktown

    The colonists succeeded in defeating the British and the Articles of Confederation are adopted. They fail miserably
  • Period: to

    The Creation of the American Government

  • Shay's Rebellion and Constitutional Convention

    Rebellion about raised prices sending farmers into bankruptcy.
    First discussions on rethinking of the government iwth a COnstitution
  • Constitution Ratified

    New government created based on the constiution. Shortly thereafter a bill of rights was added to the Constiitution and America began to grow.
  • Battle of Fallen TImbers and Whiskey Rebellion

    FInal war in the slew fighting between the southern states in order to balance out Native Americans ability they had grown
  • Period: to

    A nation's Baby steps

  • Jay Treaty PIckney Treaty

    Both of these treaties set up possible relations with England and Spain.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Two anti-spy acts used to detect if there were spies in America. Showed Paranoia of US government.
  • Period: to

    The Jeffersonian Era

  • Jefferson elected

    One of the most revolutionary presidents in our nations in history. He singlehandedly changed the naion for the better with his democratic ideas.
  • War Of 1812

    War Of 1812
    The War of 1812 was a second war fought against England. War began because of British impressment of American sailors, British support of Native Americans who were against America, and boundary conflicts. It ended in a victory but not much changed
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Agreement by the North and South to keep slavery out of the Louisiana territory above the 36'30" line except for Missouri. This indirectly was a catalyst for the Civil War
  • The Monroe Doctrine is passed

    Proposed by James Monroe, this document set precedent for imperialist Intervention by America. It said that US would work to free the "New World" from "Old World" powers so that no conflict of interest in spheres of influence. It would also keep America out of European Affairs
  • Andrew Jackson is elected President

    Andrew Jackson is elected President
    As President he removed the Second Bank of the United States and forced the relocation of thousands of Native Americans
  • Period: to

    Jacksonian Democracy

  • Railroads begin Construction

    The railroads of America begin to be built. They become essential to Northern victory in the CIvil War and a catalyst for corruption and monopoly during the gilded age.
  • The Nullification Crisis

    South Carolina claimed that the tariff of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional because they were so high. South Carolina expected government military involvement but a compromise was reached in the end. THe WHig Party was formed in response to Andrew JAckson's policies.
  • Manifest Destiny

    A new idea of it being American's divine right to go across the country and take all the land is adopted. A period of westward expansion begins. Telegraphs and Railroads create a new communication revolution.
  • Period: to

    Manifest Destiny

  • Mexican War

    Was an armed conflict between the United States and the Centralist Republic of Mexico from 1846 to 1848 in the wake of the 1845 U.S. annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its territory despite the 1836 Texas Revolution.
  • Mexican War ended and Westward Expansion

    The Treaty of Guadeloupe HIdalgo ends the Mexican War after America beat Mexico. US acquires present day California Newmexico Arizona Utah Nevada and part of Colorado
  • Gold Discovered in CAlifornia

    SParks huge move out west. Miner 49ers travel to California to get rich. Tent cities fly up with prostitution and crime running rampant. very few people got gold
  • Compromise of 1850

    The most concrete Southern gains were a stronger Fugitive Slave Act, the enforcement of which outraged Northern public opinion, and preservation of slavery (but not the slave trade) in the national capital.The slave trade was banned in Washington D.C. New Mexico and Utah would have Popular Sovereignty. California would be a free state. Texas would lose control over New mexico
  • Period: to

    Buildup to the Civil War

  • Kansas Nebraska Act and Formation of Republican Party

    The former missouri compromise was repealed in favor of having popular soveireignty in the countries of Kansas and Nebraska and white males could bring their slaves into those areas. The Republican party was formed in this era and lasts to this day they formed on the basis to end slavery and northern principals
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Pro and Anti SLavery americans face off in KAnsas ends in bloodbath as fighting erupts between the two sides. At the Same time Senator Sumner was attacked in senate for his speech against slavery
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    A series of Seven debates about the issue of slavery. They were held in Illinois because of its undecidedness. The debates attracted many people not from the state because of the importance of the issue
  • JOhn Browns Raid on Harper's ferry

    was an attempt by the white abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in 1859 by seizing a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Brown's raid, accompanied by 20 men in his party, was defeated by a detachment of U.S. Marines
  • THe boiling point

    Democratic party splits apart over the issue of slavery. Abraham Lincoln is elected president angering the lower south. The lower south Secedes from the union issuing on a long bloody war between Americans that ends slavery.