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Colonial Events Timeline Project

  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in North America.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The first meeting of the House of Burgesses was held in Jamestown,Virginia,on July 30,1619.
  • The Mayflower

    The Mayflower
    The Mayflower ship transported 102 people to Plymouth.
  • The Mayflower Compact

    The Mayflower Compact
    The Pilgrims established their own government,the basis of which was the Mayflower Compact.
  • Virginia

    Virginia was made a royal colony.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island was settled by Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson.
  • The Pequot War

    The Pequot War
    Native Indians of Connecticut and Rhode Island were defeated by the colonists.
  • Delaware

    Delaware was settled initially by Peter Minuit.
  • The Quakers

    The Quakers
    The Quakers,or Society of Friends,was a Protestant sect founded in England whose members believed that salvation was available to all people.
  • Carolina

    Carolina was settled by King Charles II of England.