
James Russotto

  • Doodlittle's Raid

    Doodlittle's Raid
    U.S. air raid on Jananese cities Meant to improve U.S. morale while creating doubt among Japanese U.S. victory
  • Coral Sea

    Coral Sea
    May 4-8 First battle where aircraft carriers ingaged one another and no ships targeted or fired on one another Japanese attempted to strengthen defenses U.S. victory, heavy losses
  • Midway

    June 4-7 Japanese attempted to trap U.S. carriers U.S. decoded Japanese trnsmitions and decisively disabled the Japanese Navy. U.S. victory
  • Guadalcanal

    Aug 7, 1942-Feb 9, 1943 First major offensive against Japanese Marked begining of Allied switch to offense from defense Allied victory
  • Saipan

    June 15-July 9, 1944 Navajo codebreakers played a heavy role for American forces American forces relied on B29 bombing runs Most costly American victory to date
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    Feb 19-March 26, 1945 Among the fiercest fighting of WWII Famous flag raising American victory through steep casualties
  • Okinawa

    Apr 1- June 21, 1945 Intended to set up airbase to attack Japan. Largest amphibious assault of the Pacific theater American victory