James Monroe-Ray Buchannon

  • Elected

  • Begins His First Tour of the North

    James Monroe Begins His First Tour of the North
  • Mississippi Become Twentieth State in th Union

  • Enunciates Policy of Neutralit Towards Latin American Colonies Seeking Independence

  • Tours Chesapeake Bay

  • British and American Diplomats meet at the Anglo-American Convention

  • Illinois Admitted as Twenty-First State in the Union

  • Alabama Becomes the Twenty-Second State of the Union

  • Tours South and West

  • Panic of 1819 Starts Taking Shape

  • Debates over Missouri's Admission into the Union

  • Transcontinental Treaty is Resolved

  • Congress Agrees to First Missouri Compromise

  • Maine Becomes Twenty-Third State in the Union

  • Secure Reelection

  • Military Establishment Act Signed

  • Begins Second Presidential Term

  • Missouri Admitted as Twenty-Fourth State in the Union

  • Signs General Survey Bill

  • Signs Tariff of 1824 into Law

  • Last Day in Office