James K holocaust

By James K
  • the start of the holocaust

    the start of the holocaust
    When Hitler became chancellor of Germany making the country a dictatorship that's when Hitler started laws excluding Jewish Germans.
  • The first camp

    The first camp
    In march 22 1933 the first concentration camp was constructed.
  • The start of WW2

    The start of WW2
    September 1 1939 Germany started WW2 by invading Poland and once they invaded Poland they established ghettos for jews.
  • Warsaw ghetto was sealed

    Warsaw ghetto was sealed
    March 15 1040 on of the biggest ghettos was sealed off from the rest of the country
  • WW2 and mass homicide on Soviet Jews

    WW2 and mass homicide on Soviet Jews
    In June 1941 Germany invaded Russia killing a lot of Soviet Jews.
  • Mass Murder

    Mass Murder
    The Germans where at the peek of there power they controlled most of Europe and Hitler started the "final solution" killing masses and masses of European Jews.
  • D-day

    June 6, 1944 British American and Canadian troops laned on Normandy beaches to push back the Germans and gain the foot ground in Europe.
  • Finally the end

    Finally the end
    In the end 6 Million jews died and Hitler found dead due too suicide and the high ranking offices where taken to court and charged ending WW2 and the Nazi regime.