James Buchanan KD

  • Birthday

    On April 23rd 1791, James Buchanan was born to James Buchanan and Elizabeth Speer in Cove Gap, Pennsylvania.
  • Graduation

    James Buchanan graduated from Dickinson College in 1809 with a degree in law.
  • On PA legislature

    On PA legislature
    James Buchanan was elected to the Pennsylvania state legislature
  • Joined the reserves

    Joined the reserves
    James Buchanan joined a troop of reserves in Lancaster Pennsylvania during the war of 1812. The war of 1812 was fought over Britain's violations of United States maritime rights near America's coast.
  • Elected to congress

    Elected to congress
    James Buchanan was elected to represent Pennsylvania in congress. He replaced William Wilkins on legislature.
  • Political party

    Political party
    James Buchanan decided to be a Democrat.
    Democrats support the idea of a democracy. A Democracy is a system of government in which state power is vested in the people or the general population of a state. According to the United Nations, democracy "provides an environment that respects human rights and fundamental freedoms, and in which the freely expressed will of people is exercised.
    Andrew Jackson elected president.
  • Harriet Lane's birth

    Harriet Lane's birth
    James Buchanan's niece Harriet Lane was born. Since James Buchanan did not have any children nor wife, his niece Harriet Lane was his acting first lady due to his marriage status.
  • Elected as minister to Russia

    Elected as minister to Russia
    On June 11th James Buchanan was elected to be a minister to Russia.
  • Elected as Secretary Of State

    Elected as Secretary Of State
    On March 10th 1844 James Buchanan was elected to be secretary of state under James K Polk.
  • Elected as minister to Britain

    Elected as minister to Britain
    On August 23rd 1853 James Buchanan was elected to be a minister to Great Britain.
  • Elected President

    Elected President
    Buchanan was elected president in 1857 and is the 15th president of the united states. His vice president is John C Breckenridge. He ran and won against John C Fremont and Millard Fillmore.
  • Dred Scott v Sanford

    Dred Scott v Sanford
    Dred Scott's master moved him to a free state to work. When he was moved back to a slave state Scott and his wife sued for their freedom. He was denied in the supreme court. This case lasted 11 years and is one of the many reasons the civil war started.
  • Mountain Meadows Massacre

    Mountain Meadows Massacre
    The Mormons were upset that Brigham Young might be removed as governor of Utah. The Fancher party was making its way to CA and was ambushed by a Mormon militia. Almost 140 people died
  • The English Bill passed

    The English Bill passed
    This bill allows Kansas to be admitted to the union.
  • West Virginia

    West Virginia
    West Virginia is founded as the 35th state of the union.
  • Solar flare

    Solar flare
    A solar flare so large and bright that it effect telegraphs happened on Sep. 2 1859. The arouras were so bright It is said that the birds began to sing because they thought it was morning. It is often called the Carrington Event.
  • Harper's Ferry raid

    Harper's Ferry raid
    John Brown raided the federal armory in Harper’s Ferry in hopes of ending slavery with the weapons they would secure. They started by capturing a train and killing the baggage master. They were later arrested.
  • South Carolina secedes

    South Carolina secedes
    SC believed that Abraham Lincoln was going to outlaw slavery which would be bad for their economy. They were the first state to break away from the union.
  • 6 other states secede

    6 other states secede
    6 other states secede from the union. The civil war is put into motion.
  • Confederacy formed

    Confederacy formed
    The Confederacy is formed and Jefferson Davis is chosen as a president.
  • Retirement

    James Buchanan retired to his estate, Wheatland, and lived there until his death.
  • Abraham Lincoln inagurated

    Abraham Lincoln inagurated
    The 16th president Abraham Lincoln is elected and James Buchanan steps down and retires to his Wheatland estate in Lancaster Pennsylvania.
  • Civil war

    Civil war
    In 1861 the civil war is started and lasted for four years.
  • Nevada

    Nevada joined the union on October 31st 1864 and was the 36th state to join.
  • Civil war coclusion

    Civil war coclusion
    The confederacy surrendered to the union of April 9th 1865 at the Appomattox Courthouse and ended slavery in the United States.
  • Lincoln's assasination

    Lincoln's assasination
    On April 15th 1865 Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in the Petersen House. John Wilkes Booth was later arrested and killed in the process.
  • Death

    On June 1st 1868 James Buchanan died from respiratory failure at the age of 77 at his estate in Lancaster PA. He was buried at Woodward hill cemetery in Lancaster PA.
  • Buried/ funeral

    Buried/ funeral
    James Buchanan's funeral was 3 days after his passing at his Wheatland estate. He was buried at Woodward Hill cemetery.
  • South Dakota

    South Dakota
    On November 2nd 1889 South Dakota became the 40th state to join the union the same day North Dakota joined the union.
  • Harriet Lane's death

    Harriet Lane's death
    On July 3rd 1903 James Buchanan's niece and acting first lady died from an unknown cause.