Jame lovell

James A. Lovell, Jr.

  • Jim Lovell First adventure

    In September 1962, NASA selected Jim Lovell for astronaut training.
  • Jim First Mission!

    On December 4, 1965, Jim Lovell was selected for Gemini 7. This was the longest time a person spent in space. This mission last until December 18
  • Jim 2nd mission!

    In 1966 Jim got selected to fly Gemini 12 with Buzz Aldrin.
  • Apollo 8

    In 1968 Jim Lovell along with Frank Borman and William Anders was selected to go on Apollo 8. Jim Lovell served the role of the command module pilot and flew 10 lunar orbits.
  • Successful Failure

    In 1970 Jim Lovell was going to the moon. This was going to be Jim's fourth and final mission for NASA. Lovell, along with Frank Haise and Jack Swigert were going to the moon. Jim was the Captain.
  • "Uh Houston, we have a problem."

    "Uh Houston, we have a problem."
    The first 50 hours to the moon was smooth but during the rest of the flight to the moon, an explosion, and rupture of oxygen tank no. 2 in the service module happen. This causes the crew a huge problem. The landing to the moon was quickly abandoned, and the Lunar module will act as a lifeboat.
  • The Environment of Apollo 13

    The Environment  of Apollo 13
    Since the oxygen tank blew off, that made the electronics power off. Since the electronics were powered off, the heating was too. The crew members had to go without sleep for over 80 hours. Jim played a very important part here because he kept the environment fun, and waked up anyone who was falling asleep.
  • Losing Oxygen

    Since 1 of the oxygen tanks exploded off of the spaceship, the crew was losing oxygen and the need to make an oxygen filter. Jim had to find all the supplies and worked together with his crew in order to survive.
  • Home!

    Jim along with his crew listen very carefully to the instructions to get back home. They had to use the amount of gas left to get back to earth. When they got into the atmosphere into earth they lost connection to the space centre and after 10 long mins they appeared in the ocean. They all survived.
  • After the Apollo 13

    After the Apollo 13
    After Apollo 13 Jim became the head deputy director on Johnson Space Centre in Houston. Jim Lovell had some many other adventures, and he will be remembered for his amazing adventure in apollo 13.