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Jake Dyer's History Of The Internet

  • The first calculater

    The first calculater
    [The]( calculator was invented by a French mathmatition, Blaise Pascal to add numbers
  • The first battery

    The first battery
    The battery was invented by Alessandro Volta in 1800 the battery was made from disks of copper and zinc with peices of cardboard soaked in brine between the metals.
  • The invention of the electric elevator

    The invention of the electric elevator
    The first elevators were power by steam engins and were mostly used in ware houses or mines, then they used it to lift tourist up to a platform in order to get a better veiw in 1823.
  • The first electric motor

    The first electric vehicle was invented in 1828 when Ányos Jedlik invented a small modell car that ran off of an electric motor
  • AT&T

    AT&T was created in 1875 to trade phones, which it became more populare late on.
  • The first telephone

    The first telephone
    Two inventor made two devices to transmit audi to each other in the 1870s.
  • Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was created

    Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was created
    Different computers could communicate to each other in oder to defend against a nukeular attack.
  • Computers at Standford and UCLA connected for the first time

    Computers at Standford and UCLA connected for the first time
    The first servers and host which is the start of the internet
  • An Arpanet Network Was Established

    An Arpanet Network Was Established
    Network between Harard, MIT, and BBN connected to the same network
  • E-mail was first developed

    E-mail was first developed
    Ray Tomlinson invented email and used the @ sign to seperate the username fro the computer name.
  • The begining of TCP/IP

    The begining of TCP/IP
    A thought to link Arpa like networks to create the "inter web"
  • Apple's History

    Apple's History
    After Steve and his high school friend dropped out of school they made the company apple, their rates started slow at first but when their technology was better everyone wanted an apple computer.
  • The First Personal Modem Is Invented

    The First Personal Modem Is Invented
    Dennis Hayes and Dale Heatherington created the first personal modem and it was sold to many people who took interest in computers.
  • Spam Is Born

    Spam Is Born
    Gary Thuerk sent out 600 emails to many California Arpanet users.
  • MUD, The Ealiest form of multyplayer gaming was distributed.

    MUD, The Ealiest form of multyplayer gaming was distributed.
    1979 was the year hat WOW world of warcraft and Second Life were invented, they were called MUD ( MultiUser Dungeon) all MUDs are RPGs (Role Playing Games) based of of a virtual world.
  • ESPN Was Created

    ESPN Was Created
    Ths first ESPN website was uploaded ESPN
  • The First Emoticon :-)

    The First Emoticon :-)
    Scott Fahlman was the first person to invent the emoji :-) when it put it after a joke.
  • The Domain system was created

    The Domain system was created
    DNS (Domain Name Servers) was created. It allowes people to type in easy domain names to then automatically turn it into an IP address
  • World Wide Web protocols finished

    World Wide Web protocols finished
    Time Berners -Lee wrote the code for the world wide web based of of his previous proposal from the past year.
  • The First Web Page Was Created

    The First Web Page Was Created
    The first web page was created to explain what the world wide web was and broght major innovations to the internet.
  • Amazon was born

    Amazon was born
    Amazon was invented in 1994 and started their headquarters in seattle and Washington.