Jacob Lent Colonization of America

  • Sep 7, 1440

    Johann Gutemberg

    Johann Gutemberg was the inventor of the printing press. The printing press revolutionized the world. Because of the invention, vast amounts of copies of books, such as the Bible, could be shared easier with the world. It brought new knowledge to many people.
  • Jan 5, 1492


    The Reconquista was a religous war fought on the Iberian Peninsula. It was a war fought by Catholics and Muslims. After a very long time the war ended when the last Islamic state, Granada, fell. Because this war represents what the Spanish rulers are capable of, it indicated that nothing but the Catholic faith would be practiced in the New World.
  • Aug 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    The Treaty of Tordesillas was created by Pope Alexander VI. Portugal did not want Spain to use the newly found trading routes that Columbus had found. The treaty was created because despite Portugal's demands, Spain felt that they rightfully deserved land found by Columbus. Later both Spain and Portugal singed and agreed to the treaty.
  • Nov 11, 1497

    John and Sebastian Cabot

    John Cabot was an English explorer. He was the first person to complete the transatlantic trip. Sebastian Cabot was his son. Sebasian was also an explorer. When interest in the New World began, Cabot's voyages led to English claims of American land.
  • Sep 11, 1512

    Encomienda System

    The Encomienda System is a system in which one is given a grant of land from a higher official. This man owned the land and everything that was produced on it. This Spanish method was used in many new colonies in America to obtain labor. The Native Americans were used for labor. They were mistreated and worked to their breaking points. Many European beliefs and ways of life were forcefully taught to the Natives.
  • Jul 8, 1517

    Protestant Reformation: Henry VII and Elizabeth I

    The Protestant Reformation was an act by Protestants to spread their beliefs and rules. Many Protestants lived in England and when traveling to the New World many Protestants took their beliefs with them. They tried to spread their religion and culture in the New World.
  • Roanoke

    The Roanoke colony was established by England in atempts to make money. The colony was led by Richard Grenville. Faced with defeat the colonists tried to leave but were forced to go back and try for a second time. Ultimately the colony failed.
  • Richard Hakluyt

    Richard Hakluyt was an English writer. He wrote about first hand encounters with with the New World to try and persuade others to go. He wrote the stories of various sailors and other men that had returned to England from the New World.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first English settlement in the Americas. It was established in Virginia, by the Virginia Company of London. Edwin Sandys was one of the founders of the Virginia Company of London and he helped give Jamestown its charter. Jamestown was created to make money. When the settlement began to fall James Smith went to Jamestown and saved it by leading them to success. The House of Burgesses was the first representative legislature body within the American colonies.
  • Joint-Stock Company

    Joint-Stock Company
    The Joint-Stock Company was a company made up of wealthy business men looking to make more money. This company would fund colonies in America in order to make profit.
  • Quebec

    Quebec was a French colony founded by Samuel de Champlain. The colony was a result of France's growing interest with the New World. France began to see the sucess of other countries and wanted in on the action.
  • Plymouth

    Plymith was a self established colony founded by the Pilgrims who sailed to America from Europe. The colony was established in seek of religous freedom. The Pilgrims made the Mayflower Compact, which was a document that let the settlers govern themselves and prevent chaos. William Bradford was the leader of Plymouth for a long time and was an important impact on the success of the Pilgrims.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    New Hampshire was founded by John Mason. The colony was mainly concerned with naval services and wood.
  • Massachusetts Bay

    Massachusetts Bay
    The Massachusetts Bay colony was founded mainly by Puritans. This colony was suppose to be looked on as a "City on the Hill". The Puritans were intoloerant and strict. Under their control, their colony would be saved from the wrath of God.
  • Carolinas

    The Carolinas were formed due to the need of land of the landowners in Barbados. There main goal was to make money.
  • Maryland

    Cecil Calvert founded Maryland in 1635. His father George Calvert had recieved a royal charter for the land from King Charles the 1. The colony was to be a "safe haven" for English Catholics, however it later began to practice religous tolerance. They made money by growing tobacco.
  • Conneticut

    Conneticut was founded by varies Puritans who colonized the area. After many people began to colonize and live there, the area became Conneticut. In 1639, repressentatives created the Fundamental Orders. This document was principles of civil government that local governments followed.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams and his followers. He was a preatcher who disagreed with the Puritans in the Massachusetts Bay colony and was banished. Another woman named Anne Hutchinson was also banished and created her own colony near Rhode Island. She was very influenced by Roger. Eventually the two colonies formed into one singel colony.
  • Slave Trade

    In the New World, labor was a must have. Many colonies enslaved the Native Americans, however many of these slaves escaped or died. In the efforts of looking for new slaves many colonies looked towards Afica. Millions of Africans were brought to America and used as slaves. This made the colonies very profitable.
  • New York

    New York
    New Amsterdam was primarly founded by Dutch colonists. However many groups of people lived there such as freed slaves, Scots, Finnish people, Germans, and Swedish people. New York became British without a fight and was renamed New York.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Bacon's Rebellion was led by Nathaniel Bacon because he was mad that he wasn't an elite. He attacked Native Americans and chased his governor out of town. It concluded when Bacon understood how stupid he was being.
  • Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn for the Quakers. William Penn ventured into Pennsylvania with the idea of a colony. This colony acepted quakers and any other religous group.
  • Jonathon Edwards and George Whitefield

    Jonathon Edwards and George Whitefield
    Jonathon Edwards was on eof the mosst influenctial preachers during the Great Awakening. He preached that a personal relationship with god was ideal. George Whitefield preached of the same beliefs but with the addtition that you will achieve salvation through doing good deeds.
  • Georgia

    Gergia was founded by James Oglethrope. This colony was created for the crimminal and poor population in England. They could come here and start fresh.
  • First Great Awakening

    First Great Awakening
    The Great Awakening was a period of time in which preachers began to imitate past religous ideas. These preachers rallied large groups of people and preached of salvation through good deeds.
  • French and Indian War 1756-1763

    French and Indian War 1756-1763
    The French and Indian War was a war between France and Britain. The war began due to the ownership of land dilemas. The war was long and hard but Britain ultimately won.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    The English Bill of Rights is a list of Enlish citizens' rights. It limists the power of the crown and sets the rules of Parliament.