First Steam Engine Invented
Giovanni Branca invents an engine powered by boiling water and directing its steam past a turbine causing it to spin. -
Commerecial Production of Coal Begins
Commercial production of coal begins near Richmond, Virginia -
Ben Franklin Discovers That Lightning is Electricity
Oil Used In Street Lamps
In 1816 Baltimore, Marlyland street lamps were lit with oil made form coal. Baltimore was the first city in the country to do this. -
First Electric Motor is Created
Michael Farady developed the first electric motor in 1821. -
Oil First Drilled
Edwin Drake first drills for oil in Titusville, Pennsylvania. -
First Coal Power Station Opened
Thomas Edison opened the first coal-fired power station in 1882. -
First Successful Car
Henry Ford introduced the first successful car, the Model T which could run on gasolin or ethanol in 1908. -
First Liquified Matural Gas Plant Opened
The first liquified natural gas plant opened in West Viginia in 1912. -
Oil BecomesThe Most Popular Form of Energy
Due to the use of cars oi becomes the most common form of energy.