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Jackson Schiro Southern Perspective

  • Slavery

    Slavery was the Souths only way to make their money. It was when people were treated as property by being abused and thought of as scum. Also, the south was trying to get slavery to spread everywhere in america while the north hatted it and wanted to abolish it. Finally, the south wanted not only to spread slavery but to have control of all of slavery.
  • Sectionalism

    Sectionalism was making the south think that the government was taking all of the power from the states. This meant that at anytime the government could get rid of slavery. Also, the government was not pleased with how the south was treating their slaves. Finally, the south wanted not only to continue slavery but to also have all the power.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri compromise had a new slave state, a new free state and a line that divided the slavery half and non slavery half. This made the south very mad since they now couldn't spread slavery as freely. Also, this meant that the slave to free state ratio was kept in balance.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This was a novel written by Harriet Beecher to show how terrible slavery was. Also this book is the second most translated book ever right behind the Bible. The book was thought of that it was made up of lies and not giving a deep understanding of slavery. Finally, the south hatted this book so much that it banned it from being sold and bought.
  • The Election of 1860

    The Election of 1860
    This was an election that Lincoln won but was a very controversial win. Also this was held to know who the new president would be. This made the south mad that they never stood a chance since the population difference was so big. Finally, This made the south very mad and they wouldn't accept the loss.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    The north made it clear that they were going to send supplies to Fort Sumter and if the sunk the ships it meant that they start the war. This meant that the south had to start the war and felt that that was unfair. But even so the sunk the ships and took Fort Sumter for the Union's side.