Jackie dive 480 kr1bwanr wqlbimli

Jackie's Life in Baseball

  • Period: to

    Black and White segeration

    Segeration made Jackie's job really hard for him to do his job.
  • Period: to

    World Wawr 2

    World War Two
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    Jackie was in World War Two. It ended right when he got out.
  • Ray

    Jackie married Ray.
  • Jackie Robinson Jr.

    Jackie Robinson Jr.
    Jackie Robinson Jr. was the first born.
  • signs to the dodger

    signs to the dodger
    Jakie Robinson is asked to play for the dodger and signs the papers.
  • Jakie Robinson hits a home run

    Jakie Robinson hits a home run
    At Jakie Robinson's first game he hit a home run.
  • Sharon

    Sharon was the only daughter born to Rachel and Jackie Robinson.
  • Jackie's Last Child

    Jackie's Last Child
    Jakcie's last son was named David.
  • World Series

    World Series
    Jackie hit the home run that made them got ot the world series.
  • hall of fame

    hall of fame
    Jakie robinson was put into the hall of fame.
  • Retire

    Jackie retired in 1972.