
Jackie Robinson CP RN

  • Branch Rickey

    Branch Rickey
    Rickey invites Robinson to Dodgers. Jackie agrees, and is assigned to Montreal, the Dodgers pulling team.
  • Marriage

    Jackie and Rachel are married.
  • Spring training

    Spring training
    Jackie goes to Spring Training with Montreal. Most of his teammates do not want him to play with them.
  • Dodgers VS Royals

    Dodgers VS Royals
    Jackie and the Montreal Royals play the Brooklyn Dodgers as a scrimmage. Jackie does extremely well.
  • Dodgers

    Jackie Robinson is officially signed to the Dodgers. At first, his team doesn't want him there, but after a while they stand up for him. The crowd is also upset about having a colored person play in the Major Leagues.
  • Jackie Jr .is born

    Jackie Jr .is born
    Jackie's baby is born and named Jackie Robinson Jr. Jackie Robinson Jr. is Rachel and Jackie's first child. Rachel has to take care of him most of the time because Jackie is gone.
  • Leo Derocher

    Leo Derocher
    Leo Derocher is fired prior to 1947 Dodgers season because he supports Jackie Robinson. Rickey struggles to find a new manager that would coach a black player.
  • Thrown At

    Thrown At
    During a Brooklyn Dodgers game against the Pittsburg Pirates, Jackie is thrown at. His teammates defend him.
  • Ben Chapman

    Ben Chapman
    Ben Chapman, Phlidelphia Phillies manager, taunts Robinson and makes racist comments. After Ben Chapman is told he will be fired if he doesn't make up with Robinson, they take a photo together to prove that Chapman is ok with a black player in the majors.
  • World Series

    World Series
    Jackie goes to the 1947 World Series with the Brooklyn Dodgers against the New York Yankees. The Yankees beat Dodgers four games to three.
  • Period: to

    World Series

    Jackie Robinson plays with Brooklyn Dodgers against New York Yankees in World Series.