
Jackie Robinson by Mackenzie K

By mrst
  • Jackie was born.

    Jackie Robinson was born on January 31, 1919. He was born as Jack Roosevelt Robinson.
  • He attended college.

    He went to the University of California in Los Angeles frrom 1939 to 1941. He was good at baseball, basketball, track, and football.
  • Jackie was discharged as a lieutenant.

    Jackie was discharged as a lieutenant.
    Jackie Robinson was in World War II. In 1945 he was discharged as a lieutenant.
  • Jackie starts to play baseball.

    Jackie starts to play baseball.
    In 1945 Branch Rickey signed Jackie to play for the Montral Royals. He was the first African American to play baseball.
  • He wins the National League batting crown.

    He wins the National League batting crown.
    In 1949 Jackie won the National League batting crown. He hit a .342. He was named the NL's most valuable player.
  • Jackie in the Hall of Fame.

    Jackie in the Hall of Fame.
    In 1962 Jackie Robinson was inducted in the Baseball Hall of Fame. He was the first African American in the Baseball Hall of Fame.
  • Jackie Robinson dies.

    Jackie Robinson dies.
    Jackie Robinson died at 53 years old.