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Jackie team picture

Jackie Robinson BK SG

  • Jacke Robinson had a baby boy

    Jacke Robinson had a baby boy
    Jackie had a baby boy before he went to the monarchs. His baby was black as well. All though his wife had a baby she was still supportive. When Jackie called to tell her that he had an offer to go to the major leaugs she was just like ok. His wifes name was Rachel and his babys name was Jackie Jr.
  • Takes shower with white boys

    Takes shower with white boys
    jackie gets over fear of being unconterible in shower room.Is able to relate to the other players. Is able to take shower. Altogether sugseed.
  • Choose Jackiie to be on White boy team

    Choose Jackiie to be on White boy team
    Branch Rickey brought Jackie in to the monarchs white boy team. Jackie was the first to play on there team sence the 1880s.
    this gaind alot of atention for the news. There were threats sent to him so he would get out of bace ball.
  • Team mate got a threat

    Team mate got a threat
    One of Jackies former team mates got a threat in the mail. The threat was very brutal, it never happened, luckly. Jackie got more threats then he did, but his team mate didn't realize it until he got it. The threat was even signed by the people that wrote it.
  • hits his first home run

    hits his first home run
    after Jackie gets choosen for a team he hits his first home run.He proves the he is wearthy to be trand. He got all new respect from players. He is thought of having unquestionadle talent.
    April 18 1947.
  • Got the number 42 to be his number

    Got the number 42 to be his number
    When Jackie got to play for the dodgers that was the only number so that was the number he got. He played from 1919 to 1972 on the Dodgers. He went to three World Series as a Dodger. Then went the World Championship.
  • Fritz Ostermueller threw a wild pitch and hit jackie

     Fritz Ostermueller threw a wild pitch and hit jackie
    Fritz Ostermueller purposly threw a bad pitch and hit jackie in the elbow, not the head. Jackie fell to the ground in pain. Fritz Ostermueller didn't like Jackie, as well as his team mates. Fritz Ostermueller was proud of himself that he hit jackie.
  • Ben Chaptman was harrassng Jackie on the feild

    Ben Chaptman was harrassng Jackie on the feild
    Ben Chapman was the man harrassing Jacie Robinson. He only did it beacuse of his color, and he wanted Jackie to leave the major leagues. After he relized that jackie was not going to leave he wanted the world to know that he was going to be nice. Ben decided to take a picture with Jackie. They wouldn't touch skin.