Jackie & Me

By rb91183
  • Book Report

    Joe Stoshack is asigned to a book report that is about a historical event that has changed they way we live today.
  • He Can Time Travel!

    He Can Time Travel!
    Joe has discovered that he can go back in time. All that he needs is an old baseball cards and when he holds it against his chest, he will go back in time for as long as will want.
  • Period: to

    Jackie & Me

  • Baseball Shop

    Baseball Shop
    Joe goes to his local baseball shop where they sell old and historic cards. Once he finaly finds a 1947 cards, it cost $4,000.He makes a deal with the store cleark and that is he can borrow it for a week without charge.
  • Us Missel

    Us Missel
    The first US Ballistc missel was fired.
  • He Steals Home Base One More Time!

    Jackie Robinson swipes home for 1st of 19 times in his career
  • Can You Get Me A Card?

    Can You Get Me A Card?
    Before Joe leaves, his father tells Joe that he wants any baseball card from 1947 in good condition so he can add it to his collection.
  • McDonalds

    The first McDonalds in Eurpoe was open for buisness.
  • What Color Am I

    When Joe wakes up he finds out that he is now a different race than what he is when he is at home. He finds that he is an african american.
  • Nascar

    Nascar was incorprated.
  • The Masters

    Jackie Robinson swipes home for 1st of 19 times in his career
  • Meet Mike

    Joe meets a strange african american man who can help Joe complete his dream to meet Jackie Robinson. Mike leads them to Jackies hotel room.
  • I Can Sleep Here?

    I Can Sleep Here?
    Mr. and Mrs. Robinson allow Joe to stay in there hotel room for the night and then Jackie would bring Joe to his first ever professional game.
  • Jackie's First GAme

    Jackie goes up to home base for his first time and breaks the color barrier.He swings and he makes contact but the outfeilder catches it and throws it to first and gets Jackie out.
  • Batbaoy

    Joe shows up with Jackie and Joe is offered to be the batboy. He gets to watch the game from the dugouts with the rest of the players and then cleans up the locker room after the game for the ages.
  • Baseball On The Street.

    Joe sees some kids on the road playing what looked like baseball. They tell him that nobody has every hit a home run which is the apartment building. The first pitch , Joe does more than just hit a home run, he shatters a window in the procees. All of the kids run for their life as they are chased by the cops.