Born on the 13th of October
Dennis was boring in New Jersey on October 13th 1931 -
Graduated from MIT
Graduated from MIT with a Bachelor of Science -
Doctorate in Electrical Engineering
Doctorate in electrical engineering and joined the MIT faculty -
Dictionary of the TMRC language
Dictionary of the TMRC Language with Peter Samson and helped the Tech Model RailRoad club with this language. -
Access to the TX-0
Allowed students access to the TX-0 computer working with the Tech Model Railraod club at MIT -
First interactive computer system
Dennis designed an extensive set of hardware alterations to create the first interactive time-shared computer systems -
Multics Project
Dennis was a founding member of the Multics project, an early timesharing operating system, to which he contributed several key concepts -
Eckert - Mauchly Award
Dennis received the Eckert-Mauchly Award, for contributions to the field of computer architecture, and becoming a Fellow of the IEEE and of the ACM -
Retires from MIT
Dennis retires from MIT to do independent projects and consulting -
Collaboration at McGill University
Prof. Dennis collaborated with Prof. Gao Guang-Rong at McGill University in studies of processing element architecture -
Architecture Group
Dr. Dennis worked with the Architecture Group of Carlstedt Elektronik, Gothenburg, Sweden -
Chief Scientist of Acorn Networks
Prof. Dennis served as Chief Scientist of Acorn Networks, Inc. This company engaged in developing high-performance silicon devices for the communications infrastructure -
ACM Hall of Fame
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Operating Systems Hall of Fame -
IEEE John Von Neumann Medal
IEEE John Von Neumann Medal