March on washington aug 28 1963

Izzy's Significant Events Of civil Rights movements timeline

  • Period: to

    Civil rights movement

  • Brown v. Board of Eduacation of Topeka

    Brown v. Board of Eduacation of Topeka
    This was a god example of a political event becuase segregation in public schools was ruled unconstitutional.
  • Period: to

    Civil rights movements

  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka public schools

    Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka public schools
    this was an example of social becuase it banned segregation from public schools
  • Montgomery bus

    Montgomery bus
    Rosa parks was arrested for not giving up her seat to a white man this is an example of economic change becuase the busses lost alot of money because the blacks started riding bikes and walking to school, work. etc
  • Showdown in lIttle Rock

    Showdown in lIttle Rock
    Going along with the massive resistance and the killing of blacks, The little school rock school made plans to integregate the nine black student that went there which meant to send them to another school. They were escorted by the national guard becuase of the violence and the danger they were in. This was an example a social event because the black were having to be escorted by law and that shows the danger they were in.
  • Sit ins

    Sit ins
    This is an example of a political event beuase it forced stores and restraunts to desegregate their lunch counters.
  • Greensboro “Coffee Party”

    Greensboro “Coffee Party”
    This was a social event becuase the blacks Arranged a sit in at Woolworths that had a segregated lunch counter and they helped form the (SNCC) wich was a comitee tohat did not use violence in protest.
  • Civil rights protest

    Civil rights protest
    This is an example of a political event because there was many civil rights leaders protesting againt segregation like Martin Luther king .Jr
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    This is a social event because the blacks were all marching on the street protesting and the famouse i have a dream speech was addressed
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    This was a great example of a economic event event beacause when there were more jobs availabe to the blacks.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    This event was an economic beacuase it Banned literacy tests that kept blacks from voting. Which changed many of the laws.
  • Bob Dylan

    Bob Dylan
    He preformed in birmingham at the Birmingham Town Hall. which helped sppurt civil right by singin.
  • The pearsall plan

    The pearsall plan
    This was an economic event beacuase it helped Congress passed the Civil Rights act of 1964 and Less blacks were in integrated schools but was declared unconstitutional
  • Swann v. Mecklenburg

    Swann v. Mecklenburg
    This was a political event becuase they had to integregate student even if it meant using the students and it was not beacuase of race iut was becuase of where they live and they did this so it wouold be equal
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    This was a economic event becuase Equal job opportunities were passed by congress with the same amount of paywhich meant blacks cuold have the same jobs as whites and get payed the same.
  • North Carolina recognized several Native American groups in the 1970s

    North Carolina recognized several Native American groups in the 1970s
    this is a scoial event becuase the natives were getting recognized and Were given better treatment, achieved more rights and had Greater freedom to practice culture and religious beliefs
  • African Americans and women ran for office (carol Moseley Braun)

    African Americans and women ran for office  (carol Moseley Braun)
    This was a social event beacuase now the blacks can run for office and they can help their race. In 1993, Carol Moseley Braun became the first African American woman to be elected to the United States Senate, and the only female senator from Illinois.