
Izzy Antarctica Timeline

By tjps56c
  • James Cook

    James Cook crossed the Antarctic circle and circumnavigated that there was land.Even though he didn't see land,pieces of rock in the icebergs showed that there was a southern continent.
  • Captain Thaddeus Bellinghausen

    Captain Thaddeus Bellingshausen,a Russian naval officer, was the first to cross the Antarctic circle after Captain Cook.He made the first sighting of the continent,describing an icefield covered with small hillocks(a small hill).
  • James Wedell

    British whaler,James Wedell,discovers the sea named after him and then reaches the most southerly point.No one else manages to penetrate the wedell sea for 80 years.
  • Captain Robert Falcon Scott

    Captain Robert Falcon Scott
    Captain Robert Falcon Scott (UK) leads is very first Antarctic expedition to try and reach the south pole.He takes Ernest Shackleton and Edward Wilson with him.They are forced to turn back 2 months later having reached 82 degrees south,with scurvy and snow blindness.
  • Ernest Shackleton

    Ernest Shackleton
    Ernest Shackleton leads his own expedition to within 156km of the south pole.He turns back though after his supplies are exuasted.
  • Douglas Mawson

    Douglas Mawson
    Douglas Mawson (Australia) reaches the south magnetic pole.
  • Roald Amundsen

    Roald Amundsen
    Roald Amundsen(Norwegian) leads a five man expedition.They reach the south pole for the first time.
  • Robert Falcon Scott

    Scott reaches the south pole to find that Amundsen has beaten him to it.All of the men in his team perish only 11 miles from their supply depot.Their bodies are not found until November.
  • Mawson

    Douglas Mawson begins his trek across George V land back to his base at Commonwealth Bay.Both hi commpanions had died and finally he makes it home.A new section of the coast has been discovered and radio is used for the first time in Antarctica.
  • Shackleton

    Ernest Shackleton returns to Antarctica to attemp to complete the first crossing of the continent.He does not acheive his goal,but one of the greatest adventures of all time follows.Their ship is crushed in the sea iceand a small party sets out for south Georgia and the whaling station.The party is eventually rescued in 1917.
  • International Geographical Day

    International Geographical day establishes over 60 stations in Antarctica. The first successful land crossing of Antarctica is led by,british geologist Vivian Fuchs with New Zealander Edmund Hillary leading the back up party.It is over 40 years since Shackleton set out with the same aim.
  • Antarctic Treaty

    The Antarctic treaty starts.
  • Boerge Ousland

    Boerge Ousland (Norway) becomes the first person to cross Antarctica unnsupported.Taking 64 days from Berkner Island to Scotts base towing a 180kg sled and using skis and a sail.
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