Ivory Coast

  • First round of presidential election

    MR. Gbagbo comes first with 38%, not enough to win outright. Former premier Alssane Ouattara is second with 32%.
  • Period: to

    Ivory Coast Violence

  • Run-off ballot

    Between Gbagbo & Ouattara
  • Mr. Ouattara wins

  • Rejects Results

    Constitutional Council, run by a Gbagbo ally, rejects results as rigged. Mr Gbagbo is declared winner.
    United Nations refuses to accept Mr Gbagbo's victory, endorsing Mr Ouattara as winner instead. African Union, West African ECOWAS bloc, US, EU and others soon follow suit.
  • Gun Battles

    Pro-Gbagbo and pro-Ouattara forces wage gun battles in Abidjan, and exchange fire in central town of Tiebissou. At least 20 people are killed as security forces clash with anti-Gbagbo protesters.
  • French reject demand by Mr. Gbagbo

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon rejects a demand by Mr Gbagbo for UN and French forces to leave.
  • ECOWAS bloc

    West African ECOWAS bloc threatens military action if Mr Gbagbo refuses to cede power to Mr Ouattara.
  • Warnings of civil war

    • UN warns that worsening violence between rival camps has brought Ivory Coast close to civil war.
  • 1million claimed to have fled because of violence

    UN refugee agency says up to one million people may have fled their homes because of violence following the disputed presidential election.
  • Mr. Gbagbo is captured