Ivan The Terrible Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1530

    Charles V crowned HRE emperor

    Charles V crowned HRE emperor
    In 1530, Charles V was crowned Holy Roman Emperor. This made him both King of Spain, and Emperor of the HRE. This is important, as it made Spain one of the most powerful countries at the time. {Grun 236}
  • Sep 3, 1530

    Ivan The Terrible's born

    Ivan The Terrible's born
    On September 3rd, 1530, Ivan the Terrible was born in Moscow Russia. His parents were Vasili III of Russia, and Elena Glinskaya. {Strickler 19}
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Ivan becomes Prince

    Ivan becomes Prince
    Ivan's older brother, Vasily, died in 1533, making Ivan ruler at the age of three. However, he wasn't crowned czar yet, as he was too young. Instead, the nobles took power, and gave Ivan the name of Grand Prince of Moscow. This is important, as it was the beginning of the reign of Ivan IV.{Strickler 19}
  • Apr 19, 1539

    Nikolaus Federmann and Sebastian de Belalcazar re-found Bogota

    Nikolaus Federmann and Sebastian de Belalcazar re-found Bogota
    Jimenez de Quesada failed to meet the requirements to establish the city. Nikolaus Federmann and Sebastian de Belalcazar re-found Bogota. This is important, as a major city was formed. {Graham 9}
  • Jun 3, 1539

    Hernando De Soto claims Florida for Spain

    Hernando De Soto claims Florida for Spain
    In 1539, Hernando de Sorto claimed more land for Spain. This helped establish Spain as one of the most powerful countries in the world. The claim of Florida is especially important, because it gave Spain another colony in the western hemisphere. {Graham 9}
  • Jan 1, 1547

    Ivan the Terrible crowned czar

    Ivan the Terrible crowned czar
    At the age of 17, Ivan declared himself ready to be czar of Russia. Up until this point, the nobles had more power over the country than Ivan. This is important, as this marks the real start to his reign. {Strickler 19}
  • Jan 1, 1552

    Ivan captures Kazan

    Ivan captures Kazan
    Ivan marched with 150,000 soldiers and captured Kazan. Kazan was a city that was occupied by the Tartar Khantes, an Asian and European tribe. This was important, as Ivan conquered land for Russia. {Andrews and Bowen 15}
  • Jan 1, 1553

    Roman Catholicism restored in England by Mary I

    Roman Catholicism restored in England by Mary I
    In England, whatever religion the monarch was, the people in the country became that religion. Mary's father, Henry XIII was Roman Catholic, however, her brother, Edward VI, was Protestant. When Mary became Queen, she turned England into a Roman Catholic Country again. {1500-1599 [A.D.] World History 1}
  • Jan 1, 1556

    Ivan gains control of the Volga a Russia

    Ivan gains control of the Volga a Russia
    Ivan and his men defeated the Astrakhan Khantes, another European and Asian tribe. When he defeated them, he gained control of the Volga a Russia [now known as the Volga River]. This is important, as Russia gained control of a river, and proved their dominance. {Andrews and Bowen 15}
  • Jan 1, 1556

    Abkar the Great becomes emperor Mogul of India

    Abkar the Great becomes emperor Mogul of India
    Abkar the Great became the Mogul Emperor of India, later capturing Afghanistan. He continued wars of conquest until 1605. This is important, as he expanded his land. {1500-1599 [A.D.] World History}
  • Jan 1, 1558

    Queen Elizabeth becomes ruler of England

    Queen Elizabeth becomes ruler of England
    This started the long reign of Elizabeth I, known as the Elizabethan Era. Queen Elizabeth restored Protestantism, and established the Church of England [Anglicanism]. This is important, as the English people had to change their religion again. {1500-1599 [A.D.] World History}
  • Jan 1, 1560

    Anastasia Romanov death

    Anastasia Romanov death
    Anastasia Romanov, Ivan's first wife died in 1560. At first, Ivan was devastated, but soon, his grief turned to paranoia, as he thought that somebody could've poisoned her drink, the same way his mother died when he was young. This is important, as she usually was the one to calm him down, but now that she wasn't around, his temper was uncontrolled.
  • Jan 1, 1564

    Ivan flees Moscow

    Ivan flees Moscow
    After the death of his wife, Ivan was an emotional wreck. He finally had enough, and ran, he fled Moscow, abdicating the throne four years after the death of Anastasia. He was persuaded to return. This is important, because in his absence, he came up with a plan to split Russia in half, letting the nobles rule half of Russia. {Andrews and Bowen 23}
  • Jan 1, 1570

    Ivan starts to spread terror, and kills many innocent people

    Ivan starts to spread terror, and kills many innocent people
    Ivan created his own private police force, and had them kill anyone they thought wasn't loyal to Ivan. He also ordered 500 church leaders of Novgorod, because he thought they were traitors. For one month, he killed around 1,000 people a day, as he took pleasure in torturing and executing people. This is important, as it showed how evil he was, and ended many people's lives.{ Andrews and Bowen 23}
  • Nov 19, 1581

    Ivan killed his son

    Ivan killed his son
    In an argument between Ivan and Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich, his son, Ivan struck him with his iron staff. Ivan didn't mean to kill his son, however, the strike did tremendous damage, and the guards weren't able to get to him in time. Ivan was also devastated by this death, and truly felt bad. This is important, as it shows that he was still able to feel guilt, meaning he still had some good in him. {Andrews and Bowen 23]
  • Ivan's death

    Ivan's death
    Ivan died on March 17, 1584, while playing a game of chess. He set the legacy for czars after him, by establishing the absolute power that they had, and anyone not loyal was to be executed.{Strickler 22}