Oct 27, 1533
ivan the terribles grandfather died.
The death of ivan's grandfather was big beacause he was the next eir and leader of russia at age 3. -
Feb 3, 1547
Married to Anastasia Romanov
Period: Feb 3, 1547 to Dec 8, 1550
Good period
This period of time was considered his best because he changed russia in a positive way by fixing law enforcement,appointing concils,expanding Russia's territory. -
Dec 8, 1547
siezed power and became czar
when ivan turned 16 instead of becoming grand prince of moscow he siezed power and became czar. -
Dec 8, 1549
appointed the first noble concil
This concil was hand picked by the czar to help impliment reforms in Russia. -
Period: Oct 9, 1560 to
Bad period
During this time of Ivan's rule his was going through a deep depression,created his own secret police force,killed thousadn boyars for suspected treson.Gained absolute power of Russia -
Period: Nov 9, 1565 to Sep 30, 1572
Terror of oprichniki
During this time Ivan used his secret police who wore all black and rode black horses to kill Boyars -
Sep 9, 1581
death of oldest son
During a brawk ivan the terrible killed his oldest son and next eir in line for thrown. -
Due to Ivan's death and the murder of his oldest son it left his weakest youngest son as leader of Russia.