Its me, Hamna you already knowwww

By PMurphy
  • Democritus

    Proposed the atomic theory.
    Born-460 BC
  • Aristotle

    Stated that all substances are made of 4 elements.
    Born in Stagira in North Greece.
  • John Dalton

    Transformed ratio ideas on atoms into a theory.
    Born - September 6,1766.
  • J.J. Thompson

    Discvered the electrons.
    Born- December 18, 1856
  • Robert Millikan

    Determined the cahrge and smallest amount of the electron.
    Born-March 22, 1868
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Born-August 30, 1871
    Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson.
  • Neils Bohr

    Proposed that an electron is found only in specific paths, or distance around the nucleus.
    Born-October 7, 1885
  • Sir James Chadwick

    Confirmed the existence of neutron in the sub-atomic particle.
    Born-October 20, 1891